Thursday, May 3, 2007

Rapture while bird watching

[j-d] Rapture: 1) a manifestation of ecstasy or passion 2) an experience of being carried away with overwhelming emtion 3) a mystical experience in which the spirit is exalted to a knowledge of divine things.

Rapture. Who doesn't want to be caught up in Rapture? When things beyond your control are surpassing your expectations and you do your own special caffeinated dance of joy. And life seems like sex. You might be in a state of rapture. And rapture might be described as sliding your tongue down an ice cream cone with all the fat and sweet molecules exploding in the back of your skull. Or it might be sliding your tongue down a young runner's arm. That runner pounded their feet against the earth, pushing against reason to increase their heart rate and all you did was lick them. Lick their intensity- their drive. Rapture? Perhaps, it depends on the runner. Or perhaps as in Ray's story, it was the runner who while intently running around the track only felt rapture when a girl unannounced leaped up to taste him.

Rapture = YOU + something that pleases you beyond your control.

And, this is how I feel watching the birds at the feeders in my backyard. It's a bit of me and unexpected (uncontrollable) Nature. With the birds' migration north I have witnessed my first Rose-breasted Grosbreaks, my first White-throated sparrow and have a Red-winged Blackbird that favors my yard. I have danced for joy and felt all is right with the world, and with each bird sighting I felt "rapture".

But, what about the bumper sticker that reads "Incase of RAPTURE this car will be unmanned!" or as my bumper sticker reads "Incase of RAPTURE can I have your car?" It is in this "rapture" we must add a third element.

Rapture = YOU + something that pleases you beyond your control + what you are receiving another is not.

This is how I feel watching the birds. Today, I saw my first Indigo Bunting and a hummingbird visited my feeder for the first time this season. And, when my finch feeder is heavy with Goldfinchies I'm in my own little heaven! I'm doing m own little dance, the world is with me.

Rapture = ME + birds that have chosen my backyard + birds not in your yard.

So is this the "rapture" found in Christianity? The gifts some recieved, by definition, others will not? Well if it is-- I am working, working hard! So if anyone out there wants to taste my sweat-- my shirt is off. (this little unannounced gift we will keep between ourselves)

Def: Art is hung on walls.

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