Friday, May 4, 2007

Silver Surfer

I've got a bad case of insomnia tonight. My circadian rhythm has gone pear-shaped, and I may have to use the weekend to recover (i.e. sleep in). If you think that this is just an excuse to get the extra hour of sleep, then feel free to give me your telephone number and I will gladly call you at 4:00 AM, and discuss with you the pro's and con's of using paper or plastic bags. During times when I actually slept, I would have this recurring dream of me flying. But it was not your typical flying dream. I actually was teaching people how to fly, but more importantly, how to land. My students of varying ages had their own styles of ascending, but they all wind up having the same style of coming back to earth. A metaphor of some kind? I will leave it up to your interpretation. The other recurring dream that I had was me with telekinetic powers fighting someone or something, but my powers kept diminishing. I tried harder and harder to no avail. These dreams were usually pretty intense, and I would wake up in the morning with my facial muscles hurting, probably from scrunching my face trying too hard to make things move with my mind. Anyway, I will end this entry with an interpretation of these "superhero" dreams from

To dream that you are a superhero, represents your above-average talents, ideas, and other hidden abilities that you may not realize you possessed.

As long as it doesn't involve wearing a cape or an underwear outside my pants, then I'm game. How about being silver and riding around in space with a surfboard? Hmmm. Well, enough of this drivel.

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