Wednesday, May 9, 2007


[j-d] If you have poison ivy branches/vines to get rid of should you-- 1) put them out for the recycling, where as the recycling person might pick them up? Or 2) throw them over the fence into your neighbors unkept backyard, where you see other poison ivy plants growing anyway?

If your girlfriend has fallen asleep on the sofa should you-- 1) wake her up and try to get her to bed, knowing she will curse you and refuse to move? Or 2) leave her to sleep, knowing she will wake up with a sore back and walk around like a crab?

If you own a male poodle should you 1) paint his toe nails knowing he would look like a dandy boy? Or 2) only paint his front paws since that is more manly then if both the front and back paws were painted?

Should I tell you if you have spinach in your teeth?

def Art: An artist makes Art; unfortunately art makes the Artist.


Comedic Cow said...

The answer is yes.

Anonymous said...

What about if I have poison ivy rash, spinach stuck in my teeth, and walking like a crab. Would you let me know or would you just laugh at me?

Anonymous said...

"Should I tell you if you have spinach in your teeth" or offer you some more of my homemade spinach dip?