Sunday, April 29, 2007


Hello bloggers and readers. This new blog is my attempt to organize and record happenings in my life and of my four other personalities, and to give you an appreciation of the dynamics of how these personalities interact. There will be times when I will be the only narrator, but most likely two, three, or all five of us will be involved. There will be no dominant personality as we are all quite comfortable in telling each other to shut it... and we do listen. Although there are, and likely will be situations when equal opportunities to speak or contribute goes out the window. For example, heavy consumption of martinis, cosmos, or G&Ts seems to induce a healthy sense of self-importance, verbosity, and shouts of "Listen, listen, listen to me", accompanied by vigorous handwaving. And thus, I would like to apologize in advance if postings become a bit confusing, or obnoxious, for that matter. So here we go...

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