Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Tiger's Cage

[j-d] I'm glad to report that my fever from last week has left almost completely except for a few lingering images. One, the taste of fresh lemon and honey, which has since been replaced with the taste of fresh lime and gin. Two, the memory of another tiger dream. When I'm stressed and things are beyond my control I'm often visited by these cats. While at the zoo and the class was visiting in the tigers' cage - things took a turn for the worse. I found that the faster I ran; the less traction I had with the ground. If I walked slowly I could touch the ground and move out of harms way. But, who walks? No, crawls out of a big cat park? As I pumped my arms and legs, desperately trying to get away, I grew lighter and lighter coming in contact with the earth less and less. No matter how often I restarted the sequence of events in my dream I ended up thrashing around weightless in the same spot. The silly thing is when I awoke it occurred to me that if I hadn't spent all my energy trying to stay grounded, I might have floated away to safety.

I'm not trying to tell a moral. I'm not a big fan of morals-- let alone dreams with morals. But, if I were to believe in morals I'd say "Morals are for the idiots who enter the tiger's cage."

Since my bio says "artist" I am going to try and leave my entries with a playful definition on "art." Example def: Art is my friend, although he can be a real bastard!

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