Sunday, May 6, 2007


I received a call from a high school friend on Saturday morning. Most of my friends from high school, college, and graduate school are either married or with significant others. And just like our previous conversations, the topic of relationships and why I'm still "alone" rarely fails to come up. A few years back, I would have been defensive when responding to the question, but now I'm completely comfortable with my life and I have plenty of things going for me - great job, great friends, and a good quality of life. But why am I not with anyone? I'm sure you the reader are asking this. I regularly bathe, I can carry on a stimulating conversation, and I don't foam at the mouth or secrete copious amounts of saliva. So, what's wrong with this picture? First I ask you if you believe in soulmates, that there is one person that perfectly complements you, and make you whole, and a better person. I do. I've found mine, but death separated us. So I've considered it a done deal for me, and has been for almost sixteen years now. A relatively long time has passed, but my loss still hits me now and then. It's still painful, but I deal with it. I don't forget and I make sure not to ever forget. So, to my friends now, if you're ever wondering why I don't have a significant other, here's the answer. And don't try setting me up, please. I'd rather pour bleach in my eyes and jab a pencil in my ear. I think that this Moby song sums up pretty much my state of mind about this topic. And to my other personalities and my underdeveloped semiconscious siamese twin growing out of my left armpit - yes I can be a bit of a romantic, and YOU'D BETTER NOT TAKE THE PISS!!! Cheers.


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